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Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Source code to find out all the programs that are installed in a Windows Mobile device and that can be un-Installed

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Source code to find out all the programs that are installed in a Windows Mobile device and that can be un-Installed

In the post "Programmatically find out all the programs that can be unInstalled in Windows Mobile devices", I showed how to locate a list of programs installed in a Windows Mobile device. Pocket PC 2003 and other newer platforms (Smartphone 2003, Pocket PC 5.0, and Smartphone 5.0) have to be handled differently.

A reader actually sent me an email for the source code. Oh well this is an easy one so I am posting here:

#include "cfgmgrapi.h"
HRESULT QueryAllInstalled_DM()
  TCHAR szProvXMLIn[512];

  memset(szProvXMLIn, 0, 512*sizeof(TCHAR));
  wcscat(szProvXMLIn, TEXT("<wap-provisioningdoc><characteristic-query type=\"UnInstall\">"));
  wcscat(szProvXMLIn, TEXT("</characteristic-query></wap-provisioningdoc>"));

  HRESULT hr = DMProcessConfigXML(szProvXMLIn, CFGFLAG_PROCESS, &szProvXMLOut);
  if (!FAILED(hr)) {
  } else {
  ALERT2(szProvXMLOut, TEXT("DM"));


  return hr;

#define APPS_REGHOME TEXT("\\Software\\Apps")
static HRESULT QueryAllInstalled_Registry()
  HKEY hKey = NULL;

  DWORD dwcSubKeys = 0; // Number of sub keys
  DWORD dwcMaxSubKeyName = 0; // Longest sub key name
  TCHAR* szSubKeyName = NULL; // subkey names
  DWORD j = 0;

  // Open the predefined registry
  lr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, APPS_REGHOME, 0, 0, &hKey);
  if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lr) {
    goto FuncExit;
  // Get Value count.
  lr = RegQueryInfoKey(hKey, // Key handle.
    NULL, // Buffer for class name.
    NULL, // Length of class string.
    NULL, // Reserved.
    &dwcSubKeys, // Number of sub keys.
    &dwcMaxSubKeyName, // Longest sub key size.
    NULL, // Longest class string.
    NULL, // Number of values for this key.
    NULL, // Longest Value name.
    NULL, // Longest Value data.
    NULL, // Security descriptor.
    NULL); // Last write time.
  // Enumerate the sub keys
  if (!dwcSubKeys || dwcMaxSubKeyName <= 0) {
    goto FuncExit;
  szSubKeyName = new TCHAR[dwcMaxSubKeyName+1];
  if (NULL == szSubKeyName) {
    goto FuncExit;

  for (j = 0, lr = ERROR_SUCCESS; j < dwcSubKeys; j++)
    DWORD dwcSubKeyName = dwcMaxSubKeyName;
    memset(szSubKeyName, 0, sizeof(TCHAR)*(dwcMaxSubKeyName+1));
    HKEY hSubKey = NULL;

    lr = RegEnumKeyEx(

    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lr) {

    // now we have the key name. let us open it.
    lr = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, szSubKeyName, 0, 0, &hSubKey);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lr) {

    DWORD dwInstl = 0;
    DWORD dwValueType = REG_DWORD;
    DWORD dwValueLen = sizeof(DWORD);
    lr = RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, TEXT("Instl"), NULL, &dwValueType, (LPBYTE)&dwInstl, &dwValueLen);
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lr) {
      if (dwInstl == 1) {
        ALERT2(szSubKeyName, TEXT("From Registry"));


  if (szSubKeyName) {
    delete []szSubKeyName;
  if (hKey) {

  return hr;

Category: [Setup / Install / unInstall / Upgrade]

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