====>SiteMap of this Blog<===Here is my short profile.
Here is the SiteMap categorizing all my articles for easy navigation. Google's blog is great in the sense that the blog writer has full control over the format and presentation of the posts. However, lacking category is a huge drawback, and makes it very difficult to navigate through the articles. A site map page is an valuable tool for readers.
My daily job involves java design and programming for generic platforms, and C++ coding for Windows and Windows Mobile devices.
Goal of the Blog
As a C++ and Java coder, I am new in blogging. The niche topic I picked for my blog is the one with which I am familiar: Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming. I tried hard to write original contents, rather than easy re-blogging or quick short articles with a few links. Most of the posts were based on my daily programming and problem solving experiences, and may not publicly documented anywhere else. For example, how to put a Pocket PC Control Panel Applet into the "Personal" group, how to programmatically query mail account information (like username and server name). A google search might land only one result, which is my post here :) Hope my hard work can benefit the Windows Mobile developer community. If you find a post helpful, or have errors/problems/incompleteness, please take a few seconds to drop a comment, which serves as great stimulus to me.
One goal of the blog is tailor to programmers. I tried to put as many lines of source code as possible. Those source codes are written and tested by me. Whenever possible, a VS2005 solution or EVC4 workspace is available for download. Some source codes are only snippets, appearing as part of an article. A decent programmer should have little difficulty writing a program using my source code, probably by adding header-file-includes and macro definitions.
I take pride in my hard work. I hope you can bookmark my site (typing Ctrl-D now), or add the site feeds to your news reader: I also hope you appreciate my hard work. If you need to use or refer to any post, please provide a link to this site (preferred) or to the specific post.
A little bit on my Personal Life
Outside the technology world, I am interested in cars, dinosaurs, wild life, prehistoric life, human evolution, science fiction, adventure movies, and etc. I am a big fan of star wars series and lord of the rings series. I am also a super fan of dinosaurs.

Again, I have been trying hard to find time to post articles to my blog, and trying harder to promote my site. If you like my site and articles, and would like to swap a link, feel free to drop me a line. Comments or feedbacks on my articles are very welcome. I am watching my inbox and comments all the time!
====>SiteMap of this Blog<===