Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming: SiteMap
====>SiteMap of this Blog<===
Windows Mobile Pocket PC Smartphone Programming: SiteMap
- Power Management
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 1: the Challenge to Developers
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 2: Problem Domain
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 3: When is My Device Sleeping, and when is it Running?
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 4: A Better Way to Catch when the Device Wakes Up
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 5: Force the Device not to Sleep: a Brutal Way?
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 6: Request the Device to Run: a Gentle Way
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 7: Trap of GetTickCount(), and Sleep()
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 8: Why Pocket PC's Battery Life so Notorious?
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 9: Battery Life Matters
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 10: A Better Way to Catch when the Device Wakes Up - Multi-Thread Code with Visual Studio 2005 Solution Download
- Pocket PC Power Management Series 11: Play sound (for example, wav file) when a Pocket PC is suspended
- Code Signing / Certificate / Security
- Outlook / Transport / MAPI
- TransportDemo sample in Pocket PC 5.0 SDK does not work? Check the solution here...
- How to retrieve/get TO, CC, BCC recipient address of an email through CEMAPI (C++) in Windows Mobile device?
- How to programmatically query mail account information in Windows Mobile devices, for example, incoming server and username?
- Windows Mobile 5.0 New MAPI Functions Linker Error LNK2019 / LNK2001
- Pocket Outlook Woe 01: incoming server and outgoing server are passed as two NULL pointers from Outlook to Transport
- Pocket Outlook Woe 02: Domain name is truncated to the same size as that of password after calling IMailSyncCallBack::RequestCredentials
- SSL / Socket / Networking / Connection Manager
- Windows Mobile Secure Socket Implementation Series 1: General Idea
- Windows Mobile Secure Socket Implementation Series 2: Sample Source Code
- Windows Mobile Secure Socket Implementation Series 3: X.509 Certificate and Wildcard Certificate
- Windows Mobile Secure Socket Implementation Series 4: Changes in Windows Mobile 5.0 platform
- /etc/hosts file equivalent in Windows Mobile device
- Notification
- Control Panel
- Setup / Install / unInstall / Upgrade
- CabWiz / Build
- Emulator
- Debug
- Internal Use Spy: A nice hidden debugging tool for Pocket PC 2003 device and Pocket PC 5.0 device
- Pocket PC Console for standard input and standard output: A convenient tool for lazy debugging and tracing in Pocket PC 2003 devices
- XXX.exe is not a valid Pocket PC Application: Troubleshooting guidelines
- Development Tools
- Development Environment
- Manually migrate Embedded Visual C++ workspace to Visual Studio 2005 (Beta 2) without using Migration Assistant (Upgrade Wizard)
- 1.1 .NET Framework is Needed for Smart Device Projects targeting 1.0 NET CF (Compact Framework) in Visual Studio 2005 (VS2005)
- How to use the new Camera API in Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK with only Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 (evc4)?
- Using Camera API with only Embedded Visual C++ 4.0 (evc4): Sample code and EVC4 workspace download
- Trap of Copying Project Settings in Visual Studio 2005 (/Machine:ARM vs. Thumb, /subsystem:windowsce,4.02 vs 5.01)
- Cross-Platform Development
- Programmer's Review
- Fixes / Hacks / Tricks / Tips
- Quick Checklist
- Blogging / Social Networking / Web 2.0